Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Cecily-isms 2011

Whenever you say something I want to remember, I try to write it down. I find that if I write it on the calendar, then I can note them down elsewhere all together at the end of the year. This is the round-up for 2011. I imagine that there are many I don't hear now that you are at school three days a week. But I do love hearing you talk. Even if you do it all the time.

March :                 Peach House (Beach house)
                                Inside-out cake (Upside-down cake)
                                Cropydile (Crocodile)
April:                     Funny finger (thumb)
                                Huggitt (hug)
                                Daria (tiara)
May:                  groovy (gravy)
                         “Let’s get making...” (Mister Maker quote)
                          Grun-pets (crumpets)
                          Cath and Bill (Kate and Will)
Braidsmide (bridesmaid)
Newniform (uniform)
July:                  what will I do without you?
                        “Thanks. I always do good ideas.”
                        Eat a cottage (go for a cocktail)
Do cycling (recycling)
“What is wrong with you [Mamma]?”
Factorine (nectarine)
“why did you call her a hula hoop (hooligan)?”
Sept:                 wave corner (microwave- which lives on the fridge in the corner)
Oct:                   bluddin’ (bleeding)
 Nov:               Cow singers (carol singers)

I love you, darling girl

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